conference roundup Toronto

Accessibility Toronto Conference 2019 Summary

The third annual Accessibility Toronto Conference was held recently at TELUS in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. On Twitter, the hash tag is #a11yTO and the account is @a11yTO.

Accessibility Toronto Conference logo

And for the first time, both an Accessibility In Real Life conference (#a11yIRL) and a conference dedicated to accessible gaming (#a11yTOGaming). They were run the day before and after the main conference. All events were a big success!

The week even included a few social events in the evening including an entertaining karaoke party hosted by Shopify and a Tweetup hosted by Slack.

A theme which seemed to emerge from the conferences collectively was: Design *with* people with disabilities, not *for* people with disabilities.

large room with many people seating; a few people on stage in front; there is a monitor on right and live captions on left

Other notables from the conference were the adjustable desk on stage and a video puppet which reminded attendees when the sessions are about to start!

See below for a list of available presentation resources (from the a11yTO conference), selected tweets, and a few excellent conference reviews. See you there next year?

Presentation Resources (partial)


Other Reviews

event roundup Toronto

Summary of Accessibility Toronto Camp

Accessibility Toronto Camp occurred Saturday, May 18 at OCAD University in incredible city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For information on Twitter, search #a11yTOCamp and follow @a11yTO.

#a11yTO Camp logo

The camp kicked off with a warm welcome and announcements from organizers Billy Gregory, Oskar Westin, and Jenny Hiseler. Learn about all of the camp organizers on the event’s website.

Announcements during the event included the launch of a new conference Accessibility In Real Life (#a11yIRL) and an axe-pro beta program for web developers from Deque Systems.

Below are session resources, select Tweets, and a few personal notes.

Session Resources

Here’s a mix of resources from presenters of the conference.


Personal Notes

  • I loved exploring downtown Toronto; came across a wicked good place to eat called Rolltation — sushi burritos!
  • It was my first time at OCAD so it was cool just being there. It’s quite a funky/artsy place!
  • Met more great folks in the community including Sophia Morgan and John McNabb.
  • I have a few photos on the Instagram #a11yTOCamp feed.