alt image podcast web

ALT Attributes — Use Them, Damn It

Not really sure why so many web sites are missing ALT attributes on their images. In this podcast, Dennis explains a number of reasons why they must be used. Download Web Axe Episode 18 (ALT attributes)

color impairment podcast visual

Colors & Accessibility

Did you know that 1 in 12 people have some sort of color deficiency? This episode discusses colors and web accessibility including color contrast, conveying meaning through color, and CSS colors. Download Web Axe Episode 16 Links: W3C Checkpoint 2.1 (information) W3C Checkpoint 2.2 (contrast) About Color Blindness – general info and stats Understanding Color […]


Awareness/Ignorance of Web Accessibility

The toughest problem facing web accessibility is awareness. I’m surprised frankly, that there haven’t been more official complaints or court cases against an inaccessible web site, and they are the vast majority on the web. Fortunately, Target is currently being sued by the NFB! I’ve recently started a new company, CheckEngine USA (now Web Overhauls), […]

caption podcast web webaim

About Captioning

Topics include why captioning, methods of captioning, and challenges such as transcription. Download Web Axe Episode 15 Links: Checkpoint 1.1 About Captions (WebAim) Creating captions using MAGpie SMIL

ajax webaim

AJAX Hype?

Yes, AJAX is very cool. This is a newer combination of technologies that allows instant, more interactive web content through communication between client and server without refreshing a page (GoogleMaps is most common example). But this can only work if the user agent (a.k.a. browser) has Javascript enabled and can handle XMLHttpRequest. There are also […]