podcast search seo title usability web

Page Titles for Accessibility (and SEO, usability)

Why the Title tag is so important for Accessibility as well as SEO and usability. screenreader/text browsers visual anchor bookmarking printing SEO search results tip: use character encoding for special chars tip: use “>” or “:” to separate sections Download Web Axe Episode 21 (Title Tag) [Transcript] Related links: Constructing meaningful page titles The Usable […]


WebAIM Site Redesign

One of my favorite resources, WebAIM, has recently re-launched its web site! WebAIM has provided an excellent article documenting the redesign which explains the goals, processes and decisions made during the 9-month project. The relaunch is an excellent example of a well-coded, usable, and accessible web site. Good job WebAIM! PS: The new site features […]

guidelines wcag2

W3C’s WAI WCAG 2.0

What the hell does that title mean? To translate, it means that (warning: read slowly if this is all new to you!): The The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is on the verge of releasing the first major update (since 1999) to their Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) under their movement called the Web Accessibility […]

acrobat adobe pdf podcast web

Accessible Acrobat (PDF) Files

Guidelines on how to create accessible Adobe Acrobat (a.k.a. PDF) files. Note that Acrobat files should only be used as supplemental content on a web site, not as primary content. Download Web Axe Episode 19 (Acrobat Files) Great links: Defining Acrobat PDF Accessibility How to Create Accessible Adobe PDF Files (Adobe)


Accessibility law in the U.S

Most of us know that federal web sites in the United States must comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act for web accessibility. Many people overlook the fact that any non-federal entity that receives federal monies needs to comply with Section 504 (of the Rehabilitation Act) to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. […]