testing wcag2

WCAG 2.0 and Accessibility Testers

WCAG 2.0 – What You Can Do Right Now – great article on keeping pace with the new version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (2.0 is soon to release by the W3C) The One-Click Accessibility Self-Test – neat inline accessibility checker tool GrayBit – visually convert a web page into grayscale for the purpose […]

heading podcast semantic seo web

Accessible Headers with Graphics

The issue is that a lot of web sites use graphical images for headings. But images don’t use heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) which create the semantic code we all want, which are ideal for screenreaders, SEO, etc. So the “image replacement” technique uses valid code and CSS to display header images within a heading […]

basic podcast web

Accessible Business Online (external podcast)

Here’s a podcast I came across titled “Accessible Business Online” by Alexandra Graham. Some good basic content here. Just as good, it references a transcription service,, that I may try for Web Axe.

header heading label podcast web

Hiding Labels and Sub-Headers

[Editor’s note: see more recent article by Dennis, When and How to Visually Hide Content] There are certain instances when a label or header should be used, but wouldn’t necessarily need to be seen in the layout, such as a label for a phone number and a header for a menu. Dennis discusses when and […]

gov law

Web accessibility soon mandatory in Europe?

The UK and other countries in and outside of Europe are making progress towards more web accessibility. Most recently, the 25 European Commission member states and nine accession countries announced a plan that could make accessibility in e-procurement mandatory. Hoorah! Let’s hope it goes into action, and the U.S. takes similar action sometime soon. Web […]