lists menu podcast web

Lists and Accessibility — How and Why?

Lists are a perfect example of good semantic code for accessibility. Dennis and guest host Ross Johnson from 3point7designs talk about the types of lists, the benefits of using them, and the ways they can be used. Also listen for a couple announcements about future shows. Download Web Axe Episode 26 (Lists and Accessibility — […]


Sponsor Company’s Web Site Wins Award

Web Axe’s sponsor company CheckEngine USA has won an award from for its excellent web site usability and accessibility. Addendum: CheckEngine USA is now Web Overhauls.


Refresh06 Conference

I’m trying to make it to the Refresh06 Conference in Orlando, Florida this fall. Looks like a good one. Topics include web standards and web accessibility. Speakers include Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Paul Boag. November 16th – 18th, 2006; $349 per person. Refresh Web Standards Conference

testing toolbar

Accessibility Toolbar for Opera

Presenting, for Opera users, the Web Accessibility Toolbar for Opera. The teams from Web Accessibility Tools Consortium, Vision Australia and The Paciello Group have developed for the Opera browser the useful toolbar that they built for Windows IE. Web Accessibility Toolbar for Opera

attribute podcast tab web

Tab Index – why and why not

WCAG Guidelines 9.4 (Priority 3) says to create a logical tab order through links, form controls, and objects. The “tabindex” attribute is great because it does exactly that — it specifies the position of the current element in the tabbing order for the current document. But are they needed? Download Web Axe Episode 24 (Tab […]