
Federal judge sustains discrimination claims against Target

Federal judge sustains discrimination claims against Target; precedent establishes that retailers must make their websites accessible to the blind under the ADA. A federal district court judge ruled yesterday that a retailer may be sued if its website is inaccessible to the blind. The ruling was issued in a case brought by the National Federation […]

alt attribute podcast seo title web

The Title Attribute

Dennis and Ross discuss the powerful “title” attribute including how it works, the benefits to accessibility, title vs. alt, SEO, and other cool uses. Download Web Axe Episode 30 (The Title Attribute) [Transcript of Web Axe 30] Links: Providing a frame title (Priority 1 WCAG guideline) Sweet Titles SEO and Accessibility Don’t Neglect the title […]

podcast web

Access Keys

Dennis and Ross discuss the access key attribute and how it benefits the user. Download Web Axe Episode 28 (Access Keys) Links: WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint 9.5 – Provide keyboard shortcuts to important links, form controls, and groups of form controls. Key Access (W3C) Keyboard Accessibility (WebAIM) Sample code: Home | Who | Events | Articles […]


Free Recommended Web Accessibility Tools

Here are a few good, free, web accessibility tools: A-Prompt (Accessibility Checker) Lynx Viewer (imitates the Lynx text-mode web browser) Web Accessibility Forums Here are a couple good related tools: Nvu (open source XHTML editor) CoffeeCup FTP


Firefox is Accessible

If you weren’t aware, the Mozilla Firefox browser is fully accessible (since version 1.5 released November 2005). Learn more on the differences between Firefox and Internet Explorer accessibility. Also, IBM and Mozilla are collaborating with Sun Microsystems to make future versions of Firefox accessible on Linux.