design layout monitor podcast resolution screen

Podcast #38: Screen Resolution

Dennis and Ross discuss many considerations and techniques concerning screen and browser resolution when designing an accessible web site including: Fixed vs. 1024 x 768 vs 800 x 600 Using Javascript with layout design Recent screen resolution stats of users Min/max-width and IE support Considering content/audience Download Web Axe Episode 38 (Screen Resolution) Browser stats […]


101 Practical Website Accessibility Tips

Here’s a great article from Accessibility 101 that provides 101 tips for developing an accessible web site. Many are basic, but many are not as well known. Anyone can learn a little something from this list. 101 Practical Website Accessibility Tips for dummies


UN Audit of Web Accessibility

The United Nations commissioned a report on web accessibility with very disappointing results. Only 3 home pages from 100 web sites achieved Single-A accessibility from the WCAG 1.0 guidelines (the lowest level of web accessibility compliance). The sites were chosen from 20 countries in 5 categories (Travel, Finance, Media, Politics, and Retail). Also, here’s a […]

code navigation podcast semantic

Podcast #37: Code Considerations for Web Accessibility

Dennis and Ross discuss various techniques on coding for web accessibility (in follow up to Podcast #34: Design Considerations for Web Accessibility). Topics include: Progressive Enhancement Code order Semantic code Scalability Navigation Download Web Axe Episode 37 (Code Considerations for Accessibility) News Microsoft homepage redesigned; now it is a CSS layout but still HTML 4.01. […]

screenreader testing

Screenreader Emulator Firefox Extension

So you would like to test your web site for screenreaders. It may not the final test, maybe it is. Maybe you don’t have screenreader software, or the resources to hire testers, or the time. What do you do? Here comes the Fangs Screen Reader Emulator for Firefox 1.5 to the rescue. It’s by Peter […]