business news podcast web

Podcast #39: Business Reasons for Web Accessibility

Dennis and Ross discuss the various business reasons for web accessible including increased users, easier maintenance, avoiding lawsuits, and decreasing bandwidth. Some good news items also. Download Web Axe Episode 39 (Business Reasons for Web Accessibility) Related Links Financial Factors in Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization (W3C) Web accessibility & business […]

overview presentations web

Web Accessibility Presentation

Dennis Lembree, main host of Web Axe (and owner of web development company CheckEngine USA) gave a presentation on web accessibility at the January meetup for Refresh Detroit. Topics included the definition of the term, general issues, guidelines and law, and advocates. You can get the web accessibility presentation on the CheckEngine USA web site, […]

accesskey browser firefox web

Firefox 2 Breaks Numeric Access Keys

The Firefox 2 browser breaks numeric access keys. Yes, it’s true. Firefox 2 now requires the Shift key to the Alt + Access Key function, but it doesn’t work with numbers. How silly. A large portion of sites (including mine) that implement access keys use numbers because they are least likely to interfere with various […]


Technical Issues

The hosting company for the podcast files is currently experiencing technical issues. Please return at a later time to download a podcast. In the meantime, feel free to blog away! Thank you for your patience.-Dennis UPDATE:OK, everything’s back up. Hoorah! UPDATE 2:The podcast MP3 files have been moved to a different server, and text updates […]


New Design!

Web Axe now has a new design with a custom Blogger template. Some updates include the following. Any comments?! Adjustable width New color scheme and header images More accessible code (and skip to links) Better SEO Added Ross to host information