color expert web

Sufficient Color Contrast

On the blog Bite Size Standards, a post by Ann McMeekin Colour with Contrast discusses color and accessibility, and also provides some excellent links to tools and references.

definition expert podcast theory web

Podcast: #41: The Definition of Web Accessibility

Dennis and guest Joe Dolson discuss the definition of Web Accessibility including the W3C definition and WCAG 2.0, universal access, balance of effort, a principal? Download Web Axe Episode 41 (Definition of Web Accessibility) Links: Trying to Define Web Accessibility from Joe Dolson Web Axe Definition Webcredible Definition Wikipedia Definition W3C WAI Definition


Oracle sued by blind workers in Texas

This has to do with software accessibility, rather than web accessibility, but very relevant to the movement and the cause… Oracle sued by blind workers in Texas Oracle is being taken to task in a lawsuit that complains software it sold to the state of Texas is unusable by blind employees. The suit, filed in […]


New Dutch accessibility law

New Dutch accessibility law (QuirksBlog) The Dutch accessibility law is awesome (456 Berea St) required by law to use: * valid HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 * CSS and semantic HTML and separation of structure and presentation * progressive enhancement * the W3C DOM (instead of the old Microsoft document.all) * meaningful values of class […]

captcha forms web

Podcast #40: About CAPTCHA and Accessibility

Dennis and Ross discuss different methods of implementing CAPTCHA on the web and how to make it accessible. Download Web Axe Episode 40 (About CAPTCHA and Accessibility) CAPTCHA Services Protect Web Form PHP Contact Form AuthImage WP-Gatekeeper Do your own! References CAPTCHA on Wikipedia Proposal for an Accessible Captcha Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA Alternatives to […]