expert podcast review

Podcast #48: Site Analysis – Computer Intelligence Associates

Dennis and Ross analyze the web site of Computer Intelligence Associates, a company claiming to be web accessibility experts. Download Web Axe Episode 48 (Site Analysis – Computer Intelligence Associates) News What’s happening with WCAG 2.0? Top 5 Roadblocks to Web Accessibility Reminder from Keyboard-Friendly Link Focus MySpace Ignores and Locks Out the Blind […]

articles lists

Top 5 Roadblocks to Web Accessibility

Here’s a detailed article from Karl Groves entitled Top 5 Roadblocks to Web Accessibility. He examines the following most common mistakes for an accessible web site: Dependence upon client side scripting to present navigation or important content Improper use of markup/Invalid markup Device dependence Lack of/improper use of alternative text for graphic and multimedia elements […]

ajax expert interview

Seeking Accessible AJAX Expert

Web Axe is seeking an expert in accessible AJAX development for an interview. Please contact Dennis at ‘web axe at gmail dot com’ if you or someone you know fits the bill.

amazon nfb visual and NFB

If you haven’t heard yet, stated that they are now committed to making improvements to web site accessibility. After has been singled out for its lack of web accessibility, let’s hope they can make up for it. The online retail giant will reportedly be working with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) […]

expert lists podcast

Web Axe Named Top 5 Podcasts!

Web Axe has been named one of the Top 5 design podcasts for designers by Dustin Brewer. You can Digg the article here. Dustin is a graphic artist and web designer based out of Oklahoma City, OK, USA. Thanks for the mention, Dustin! In addition to the Web Axe, the other podcasts mentioned were: Rookie […]