
How to Make Your Blog Accessible to Blind Readers

Here are some good web accessibility tips in an article from the American Foundation for the Blind, How to Make Your Blog Accessible to Blind Readers. Although thepoints are for blogs, but can be applied to any site. The main points of the article are: Choose an Accessible Service Describe Your Images Avoid the Dreaded […]


Web Accessibility Articles (Gmail, Screenreader, RadioShack, Process)

Here are some good articles relating to web accessibility: Gmail Settings Now Accessible in Basic HTML View Video–From the Mouth of a Screenreader RadioShack’s Accessibility Initiative Bringing Accessibility into the Development Process Who’s responsible for accessibility?

captcha hearing impairment visual

Petition Asks Yahoo to Fix Their CAPTCHA

The Blind Access Journal has a good blog post Petition Asks Yahoo to Tear Down “No Blind People Allowed” Sign. Read that, or just go straight to the Yahoo’s Accessibility Improvement petition and sign it to support web accessibility! I’m #710. You can also learn more about accessible CAPTCHA on the Web Axe podcast from […]

attribute podcast

Podcast #52: REL Attribute

Dennis and Ross discuss several announcements and news items, then go into detail on how, why and when the REL attribute is used and its use for web accessibility. Download Web Axe Episode 52 (REL Attribute) Uses of the REL attribute: Stylesheets linking RSS feed linking Browser-Based Navigation (next, prev, content, index, etc) Handle for […]

articles expert

Tips for eCommerce Accessibility

E-shop accessibility: from theory to reality is an article from Juicy Studio discussing issues and proposed solutions for web accessible e-commerce web sites. Here’s a thoughtful response from Accessibility expert Joe Dolson in his post Accessible e-Commerce Tips.