
JAWS Shortcut Keys/Commands

While doing a little testing in JAWS, I quickly remembered how inexperienced I am with the program. So I went to the Help section to look up some shortcut keys. All the information is there, and there’s a lot of it, but on many different pages. So I put what I thought were the most […]


Reworking A Large Site for Accessibility

Creating an accessible web site can be challenging. Retro-fitting a web site for accessibility is even tougher. Now try upgrading a humongous, corporate site full of new and old pages. Where to begin? Fortunately, has posted an article by Mel Pedley to help tackle this problem: 5 Steps To Reworking A Legacy Site

guidelines podcast wcag

Podcast #55: WCAG Samurai

The WCAG Samurai is an “independent group of developers convened in 2006” and headed up by Joe Clark, accessibility guru. In this podcast, Dennis and Ross discuss the WCAG Samurai’s errata to the W3C’s WCAG 1.0 web accessibility guidelines. This includes: what it is and if we should use it discussing the 12 main points […]


Terribly Inaccessible CAPTCHA

Found this terrible, almost humorous example of inaccessible CAPTCHA. If you’re blind, I don’t think refreshing the page will help you read the letters in the image! Here’s the Web Axe entry on how to make accessible CAPTCHA: Podcast #40: About CAPTCHA and Accessibility.

podcast table

Podcast 54: The Summary Attribute

By now most of us should be pretty familiar with creating an accessible data table–use a caption, TH for row and col headers, scope attribute, and the summary. In this podcast, Dennis talks about the least familiar of these techniques–the summary attribute of the table element. The summary attribute is WCAG Checkpoint 5.5 (Priority 3). […]