articles business expert

Business Reasons for Web Accessibility

In my article Business Reasons for Web Accessibility (posted under Web Axe’s sponsor company, CheckEngine USA) I provide several reasons why an accessible web site is good for business (namely, the bottom line—finances). Points for web accessibility benefiting business include: Increases Potential Market Share Lighter Code Saves Bandwidth No Alternative Formats Needed Increases Positive Image […]

audio podcast screenreader

Podcast #58: Aural Style Sheets

Dennis and Ross explain aural style sheets, a nifty part of CSS2. Download Web Axe Episode 58 (Aural Style Sheets) News & Announcements ArbCamp – Great Success Ross now a Mac Person San Jose earthquake 5.6 Web Design and Marketing Solutions – Looking for reviewers (graphicpush) Andrew Kirkpatrick – Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance Jared […]

articles javascript

Email Spambot Buster

Web Axe host Dennis Lembree has published an article describing an accessible method of coding email addresses on web pages which blocks spammers, the Email Spambot Buster. Sample code is provided. The technique implements progressive enhancement and unobtrusive JavaScript. JavaScript-enabled browsers display a “normal” email link and other browsers display the email using “email munging”.

law webaim

Section 508 to be updated

In the post Section 508 to be updated on WebAIM, Jared Smith announces that Section 508 (of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) is going through the process of being updated. There are also some excellent comments on this post. The portion of Section 508 dealing with web sites is outdated and badly needs this revision. […]


Web Accessibility Myths

In the article Web Accessibility Myths, common misunderstandings of accessible web sites are addressed and rebutted. Be it a poorly marked-up article, the content has some great points including: Creating a separate text-only equivalent can lead to a number of problems. To develop an accessible website from scratch will cost virtually the same as to […]