
Avoiding Extreme Accessibility

In his article Avoiding Extreme Accessibility, Mike Cherim describes several examples of over-doing it when coding for web accessibility, and that moderation is the key. Topics include:

  • Accesskey woes
  • Tabindex faux pas
  • Zoom in your face
  • Instructions for instructions
  • Semantic tagitis

Accessibility Blog List

Web accessibility expert Jared Smith has posted an excellent list of blogs relating to web accessibility. Thankfully Web Axe made the list! He goes on to list other fantastic blogs and news aggregators. Apparently, Jared’s quite the “RSS Junkie”.

news wcag

For Review: Updated WCAG 2.0 Documents

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) Working Draft documents were updated 17 May 2007. These documents incorporate resolutions to comments from the 2006 Last Call Working Draft. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) encourages you to review the WCAG 2.0 Working Draft and submit any new comments. Please see the additional information in:

Please send comments by 29 June 2007.

expert podcast review

Podcast #48: Site Analysis – Computer Intelligence Associates

Dennis and Ross analyze the web site of Computer Intelligence Associates, a company claiming to be web accessibility experts.

Download Web Axe Episode 48 (Site Analysis – Computer Intelligence Associates)


articles expert interview standards wcag

Interview with Judy Brewer on WCAG 2.0

What’s the heck’s going on with WCAG 2.0? Last I heard turned out to be an April Fool’s joke!

Thankfully, Jared Smith of The Web Standards Project (and WebAIM) has interviewed Judy Brewer on the subject. Judy is the Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). WCAG 2.0 is apparently in the second stage of four. Although moving very slowly, it seems many of the large concerns of the development community are being address (such as the complex language of the first draft).