
Podcast 61: Accessibility Statements

Download Web Axe Episode 61 (Accessibility Statements) News Donate to Web Axe! Button in sidebar. Looking to purchase Dragon Naturally Speaking Ross merged his company, moved offices, Refresh Detroit/MIUPA meeting on Jan 30 DOCTYPE broken (A List Apart) Learning from Screen Readers (WebAIM) February Milestone On Road To Web Access Guidelines Introducing WAVE 4.0 […]

law screenreader

JAWS and Target

JAWS The trial version of JAWS has always been a hassle to use for testing with its 40 minute sessions and required reboots. In the WebAIM blog, Jared Smith points out that the license infers that you cannot use the demo version of JAWS for web development purposes. Someone in the comments of the post […]

expert standards

Supporting Standards that Support Accessibility

In his article/post Supporting Standards that Support Accessibility, Joe Dolson examines the (non) relationship between web standards and web accessibility. He makes the excellent point that following web standards is not the same as providing web accessibility, although generally standards are beneficial. Joe discusses examples of where standards can actually make a negative impact on […]

standards wcag

WCAG 2.0 Last Call Working Draft

If you haven’t already heard, the W3C WAI is has announced the final review of WCAG 2.0. But before you submit your clever suggestions, be sure to review the WCAG 2.0 Documents.Other folks blogging about the WCAG 2.0 final review: Jared Smith at WebAIM Andrew Kirkpatrick at Adobe Patrick Lauke at Accessify

analysis articles

Web Accessibility Articles not Accessible

Call me picky, but it sure bothers me when web page articles about web accessibility are not accessible themselves. Talk about bad credibility… For example, the article Web Accessibility. . . Making your Pages Friendly to People with Disabilities is dreadful. Just by glancing at the main text, several issues are apparent: Insufficient color contrast. […]