law webaim

Section 508 and Higher Education

In his article 508 and Higher Ed., Jon Whiting at WebAIM has blogged about his findings on college web sites meeting (or not meeting) Section 508 requirements. It’s pretty sad how even college web sites, in the most part, do not meet even the most basic web accessibility requirements of Section 508. Jon states that […]

audio caption

Why Captioning Sucks

As you may know, captioning is required for accessible audio/video presentations. The Open & Closed Project (from Joe Clark) explains the downfalls of captioning on the new web site Captioning Sucks! Reasons cited are as follows (and you’ll have to go to the site to fully understand!): Not enough of it They don’t listen It’s […]

pdf podcast standards wcag webaim

Podcast #62: Web Accessibility News

Dennis and Ross discuss a variety of recent web accessibility news and events. Download Web Axe Episode 62 (Web Accessibility News) HTML 5 and Accessibility post — comment from Laura Carlson of Web Standards Group with great info and links. WAVE toolbar and blog available Reference Card for Accessible PDF Creation from Word from the […]


HTML 5 and Accessibility

HTML 5 is under development, and I thought I’d point out some proposed changes that directly affect accessibility, namely, the removal of certain attributes: accesskey attribute on a, area, button, input, label, legend and textarea longdesc attribute on img and iframe target attribute on link summary attribute on table headers, axis and abbr attributes on […]

disability stats

Most web design companies ignore disabled people

In a report from the UK, where web accessibility is more widely practiced than in most other countries, 75% of Local web design companies ignore disabled people. Unfortunately, I’m sure that percentage is much higher here in the United States, where accessible web sites are still limited to not much more than some government and […]