
2013 Year in Review

It was a steady (but relatively slower) year for Web Axe. Besides some blogging, I managed 2 podcasts, Twittered a lot, and maintained the Facebook page. All-in-all 2013 was a great year, with more than enough things to review; here are some: 2013 was the year of the successful Easy Chirp 2 Kickstarter campaign and […]

design fun youtube

Fun Web Accessibility Videos

Follow Harold in his quest to make an accessible website for his company Jiffy Brothers! This is an entertaining two-part video series about a fictional company and its website. It’s produced by The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) of Ontario, Canada. Watch out for Boris! Part 1 “Auditing Your Website for Accessibility” Part 2 “Developing an Accessible […]

event mobile video

Accessibility Summit Quick Review

The Accessibility Summit, an online conference on accessibility, took place earlier this week. The event is presented by the good folks at Environments for Humans (@e4h). The event was one day in the past few years but was extended to two days this year! If you attended or not, take a look at the great information […]

aria roundup toolbar tools

Tools & Code Examples for ARIA Development

Here are some good tools, code examples, and other resources for developing with WAI-ARIA. Know any other good recent ones? Tools aViewer Accessibility Inspector for Firebug AInspector Sidebar add-on for Firefox Juicy Studio Accessibility Toolbar WAVE 5 Web Evaluation Tools Bookmarklet Deque WorldSpace FireEyes Code Examples WAI-ARIA techniques with code examples (by 3Needs) Accessible jQuery-UI Components Demo (by Hans […]

csun theory w3c wcag2

Overwhelmed? Stick To Basics

A few people at the CSUN conference last week commented on the overbearing WCAG 2.0 specs. Many folks agree that WCAG is extremely large and difficult to read (not unlike the HTML5 spec). And especially for accessibility newbies, WCAG can be a difficult place to start. In a session at CSUN, even the W3C WAI members […]