
Excellent web site re-launch from Web Axe listener!

Therese Nielsen, a veteran Web Axe podcast listener, has been a major contributor to the relaunch of the University of Michigan’s Services for Students With Disabilities web site earlier this year. The following is a portion of a message she sent: I just wanted to let you know that listening to Web Axe helped me […]

articles guidelines

Post-Guideline Age for Web Accessibility?

Are we entering a Post-Guideline Age for web accessibility? It’s an interesting new argument being made in the article Web Accessibility. Life In the Post-Guideline Age from the E-Access blog. I believe there is a good case for this: Too many different guidelines and laws. Too many different technologies are being developed. Just because a […]

acrobat adobe

Acrobat 9 and Accessibility

As you may know, Acrobat 9 has recently been released. Fortunately for all, making PDFs accessible is even easier than ever. There’s some good information on the Acrobat 9 accessibility FAQ page, and many accessibility features are explained. Here are the highlights: Acrobat has an OCR text recognition feature that allows you to apply OCR […]

articles cognitive screenreader

Writing for Accessibility Article

In his article Writing for Accessibility, Joe Dolson explains that accessible copy is more than making non-textual elements available, it’s also about the main content! He continues to explain how tone and puncuation are very sensitive and important issues when writing for accessibility. Joe suggests: Keep your sentences on the short side Avoid excessive parenthetical […]

guidelines wcag

WCAG 2.0 published as Candidate Recommendation

Today the WCAG 2.0 has been advanced to Candidate Recommendation status. This is a big step in the long W3C guideline development process. What this means is that most people agree on the technical aspects of the much needed update to WCAG 1.0, and we can start using WCAG 2.0 as a guideline as it’s […]