
Participate in The Helen Project

You can now use a free toolbar application to rate web sites on web accessibility. The toolbar is part of The Helen™ Project, hosted by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). The project is in a public beta so AFB is asking for feedback. All internet users, especially people with disabilities, are welcome to […]

"assistive technology" conference

Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference

The 11th Annual Accessing Higher Ground conference, subtitled Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference, will be November 11- 14, 2008. The University of Colorado at Boulder is hosting the event at the beautiful Millennium Harvest House hotel in Boulder, Colorado. I may be speaking at this conference so I hope you can attend! More about […]


Is the Olympic Games website accessible?

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games’ official web site is now web accessible, or is it? In the article Those who can’t see can surf, it appears the answer is yes. In the article Beijing Olympics: Revisiting The Errors Of The Past (E-Access Blog), it appears the answer is no. But, as with any website, there’s […]

event expert podcast validation

Podcast #65: Top 10, SXSW, Nikita, and Joe

Dennis and Ross discuss a variety of topics including web accessibility news and events, a top 10 list, SXSW 2009, Nikita the Spider validator, and our friend Joe Dolson. Download Web Axe Episode 65 (Top 10, SXSW, Nikita, and Joe) Chatter Dennis’ Trip to MI TimeTracker – accessible time-tracking web application Inaccessible AT&T web site […]

podcast wcag

Boagworld and Lauke on WCAG 2.0

In Boagword podcast #120 (June 4, 2008), Paul Boag speaks with Patrick Lauke on WCAG 2.0. It’s a lengthy discussion that’s definitely worth a listen.