guidelines wcag wcag2 webaim

WCAG 2.0 Checklist from WebAIM

WebAIM has recently published a valuable WCAG 2.0 Checklist—objective recommendations, or techniques, under each Success Criteria item for each Guideline. Like WCAG 2, the Guidelines are organized under the four principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust. WebAIM is asking for feedback on the list. In WebAIM’s words, the checklist is described as: a simple checklist […]

standards wcag wcag2

WCAG 2.0 Published as Final Recommendation!

Yes, it’s now official! At last. WCAG 2.0 has been officially published as a final Web Standard “W3C Recommendation” on December 11, 2008. For more, read the W3C blog announcement A New Era for Web Accessibility: WCAG 2.0 is Finalized. Related Links: Press Release: W3C Web Standard Defines Accessibility for Next Generation Web Comments from […]

acrobat pdf

Creating Usable and Accessible PDFs

Deborah Edwards-Onoro, a key member of Refresh Detroit, has posted an excellent article, Ten Tips for Creating Usable and Accessible PDFs. It has even been highlighted in the News on December 2. Her ten detailed guidelines are: Use a structured source document Save/export document as tagged PDF Add title, author, subject and keywords Add […]

audio screenreader

Speaking Special Characters – A Test

In the post Test case: Speaking Special Characters from Access Matters, the author explains that proper markup for special characters is very important for screen reader users. There are two excellent pages provides for testing special characters, for the character types UTF-8 and ISO-8859. Feedback is very valuable, so if you are able to test […]

apple audio nfb visual

Apple to Make iTunes Fully Accessible

So instead of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) having to sue the computer giant, Apple has agreed to make its dominant iTunes software accessible by next year. Here’s a link to the press release from the NFB: National Federation of the Blind and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Announce Agreement with Apple to Make iTunes […]