administrative twitter

Web Axe now on Twitter

You can now follow Web Axe on Twitter under the username WebAxe. Better yet, use the web-accessible version of Twitter, Accessible Twitter.

"assistive technology"

CannyBill and BrowseAloud

I’ve recently been contacted by two companies with products relating to web accessibility, so I thought I’d pass on the information. CannyBill A very slick and accessible web application for invoicing and billing. Online demos and a free account is available. CannyBill is a product of Ltd who have also developed some other pretty […]

aria standards

Last Call for WAI-ARIA Specification

The W3C has announced the last call for feedback for WAI-ARIA, the Accessible Rich Internet Applications technical specification. The deadline for comments is March 24, 2009. Related links: WAI-ARIA Overview WAI-ARIA FAQ

articles socialmedia twitter

Articles on Accessible Twitter

Accessible Twitter is coming along well. It’s still in Alpha status, but the word is getting out! Here are a couple articles about Accessible Twitter that were published today. Five Questions With Dennis LembrĂ©e – Creator of Accessible Twitter Accessible Twitter on .EduGuru  

caption event podcast screenreader twitter wcag webaim

Podcast #68: Accessible Twitter and News

Download Web Axe Episode 68 (Accessible Twitter and News) Events Introduction to Usability: An Interactive Discussion, February 10, 2009 Palo Alto Semantic Web (PAWS) News Accessible Twitter is here! (Alpha) Created by Dennis. CSS Style Guide Tool. Created by Ross. Should we start thinking about HTML5? (despite 2022 predictions) The rise of HTML5 – Addicto […]