motor video visual

Understanding Accessibility

Understanding Accessibility – Videos of users using Assistive Technology Powerful realistic

articles disability

Accessibility to the Face

Accessibility to the Face is a must read article for any web site owner, designer, or developer, etc., especially for those who doubt the importance of creating an accessible web site. It’s a personal perspective by Rob Foster. The article doesn’t mention web accessibility specifically, but is directly related (well, he does mention Section 508). […]

adobe video webaim

Webinar, Partnership, and Easy Apps

Flash and PDF Webinar You have two more chances to view the webinar The Paciello Group and Adobe Present WCAG 2.0 Accessibility Webinars for Flash and PDF. They will be March 31 and April 1, at 12 noon Eastern Time. Partnership Recently, there was a partnership announced between WebAIM and The Paciello Group. The two […]

administrative RSS

Web Axe RSS Reader Stats

Just thought it would be interesting to post some statistics for the Web Axe RSS feed, provided by FeedBurner. So what reader/aggregator application are people using? The stats last July were much more balanced. But now, Google’s Reader (or Feedfetcher) is still at number one, but has approximately 8 times higher usage than iTunes (and […]

abbreviation acronym links screenreader wcag

Acronym and Abbr, Referencing W3C Docs, Hiding Text Links

Some good recent web accessibility articles: Acronym/Abbreviation best practice conundrum – Jared Smith from WebAIM discusses the issues with the use of the acronym and abbreviation tags and screen readers, and asks for input. Which links to what: Referencing WCAG, ATAG, UAAG, and WAI-ARIA – The W3C explains referencing and linking to their documentation. The […]