application gaad image twitter

Easy Chirp now provides accessible images for your Tweets

Although improving, accessibility of Twitter and third-party applications has been an issue over the years, and even more so, the images within tweets. You can now provide accessible images for your Tweets using the web-accessible Twitter client Easy Chirp (@EasyChirp) which allows a title (a short description) and a long description to be entered along with the image. […]

color gaad roundup wordpress

Round Up: SVG, ARIA, GAAD, WP, Ai Squared

Some great links of late: Tips for Creating Accessible SVG by @LeonieWatson ARIA Examples by @heydonworks Events around the world May 15 for GAAD, Global Accessibility Awareness Day Tips to Create an Accessible and Contrasted Color Palette by @walterstephanie WordPress Accessibility summer online course by @joedolson from CU Boulder Website Accessibility and WordPress by @cdils Introducing ZoomText Mac 1.1 – […]

conference csun review

CSUN14 Review

Another CSUN conference has come and gone, and they only get better each year. Of course I’m referring to the CSUN (California State University, Northridge) Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference which happens at the incredible Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in downtown San Diego, California. The conference was officially kicked off Tuesday evening with a keynote speech […]

conference csun event podcast

Podcast #99: Jennison Powers Up Silicon Valley

Dennis speaks with @Jennison Asuncion about his big move to Silicon Valley from Toronto, new Meetup groups and camps, CSUN14 and other fun things. Download Web Axe Episode 99 (Jennison Powers Up Silicon Valley) [transcript of podcast 99] Event announcements: The first Bay Area Accessibility and Inclusive Design Meetup is Monday, February 24 March 3 at Evernote in Redwood […]

html5 video

Vimeo Updates Video Player Including Accessibility

Vimeo, a YouTube competitor, has recently updated its web-based video player. Vimeo now defaults to an HTML5-based player rather than Flash. It provides much faster playback/load times and improved tools to share a video. Although the accessibility implementation may not be perfect, it’s a very significant improvement. The Vimeo player now supports keyboard and screen reader users and supports […]