code css

We Don’t Need A Native .visually-hidden

Some web professionals say that The Web Needs a Native .visually-hidden. I respectfully disagree, particularly as a matter of priority. A visually-hidden CSS class, as it’s often named, is used to visually hide textual content from sighted users but expose it to screen reader users. This is a common practice in web development, too common […]

event roundup

Upcoming Accessibility Events (2023)

Mark your calendar! Here are some terrific digital accessibility events coming up in 2023. Please add any good ones that I missed in the comments. March 8, Ability Summit by Microsoft, online March 13-17, 38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in Anaheim, CA March 15-16, axe-con by Deque Systems, online April 27-28, ACCESS by 3PlayMedia, […]

articles roundup

Reading List Nov 2022

Recommended articles and presentations from over the last few months: Learn Accessibility course on by Carie Fisher 5 Visual Treatments that Improve Accessibility by NNGroup Buttons and the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon (how to, and how not to, label buttons) by Manuel Matuzovic aria-label is a code smell by Eric Bailey Cognitive Overlords A11yTalks with Alex Tait […]

event roundup

Upcoming Accessibility Events (mid-2021)

With CSUN and axe-con ending, what are other events or conferences are coming up? Here’s a list of upcoming digital accessibility events in mid-2021. Feel free to comment with more. TechAccess Oklahoma 2021, April 20-22 Added: Web4All April 19-20 Making a COVID-19 Site Accessible: From Tweet to Action (live YouTube), A11yTalks series, April 22 A Future Date […]

code design

Resources for developing accessible cards/tiles

The card pattern (also know as tiles and blades) has become quite popular over the last several years. There are many accessibility challenges that may arise quickly when web developers attempt to build them including: Providing keyboard access Providing an adequate visible focus indicator Link text that’s not overly verbose for screen reader users Using […]