podcast semantic text web webaim

Text, text, text!

Topics include proper use of HTML tags, such as headings, quotes, lists, and some lesser-known tags, such as and . Download Web Axe Episode 12 Links: Accessible Fonts (WebAim) Text/Typographical Layout (WebAim) Font size and properties (W3C) Paragraphs, lines, and phrases (W3C) Code: My Web Page not My Web Page I really like tacos. not […]

administrative podcast

Want to be on Web Axe?

Dennis is looking for an Accessibility guru who wants to be part of at least one podcast on Web Axe. If interested just send Dennis an email at web axe at gmail dot com. Topic ideas welcomed.

acrobat pdf podcast

Accessible PDF (Acrobat) Files

We all know that PDF files (Adobe Acrobat) are very common in the workplace and on the web. Learn how to make them Accessible in this tenth podcast of Web Axe. Download Web Axe Episode 10 Links: Adobe on PDF Accessibility WebAim’s PDF Techniques A List Apart on PDF Accessibility Make Accessible Plug-In for Acrobat […]


Ten Reasons Clients Don’t Care About Accessibility

I found a great article from Digital Web on the frustrations of getting the client to understand the need for web accessibility. 10 Reasons Clients Don’t Care About Accessibility What are your thoughts?

accesskey code podcast tab web

Tab Order and Accesskey

Techniques and discussion on setting the tabbing sequence and creating access keys for elements on your HTML page. Download Web Axe Episode 9 W3C Checkpoint 9.4 (Priority 3) W3C Accesskey Attribute W3C Tab Index Attribute WebAim on Keyboard Accessibility Enhancement Sample Code:user name table of contents