Web Axe author Dennis Lembree presented “How To Build An Accessible Web Application” last week (via Skype) at the Accessibility DC meetup (on Twitter at @AccessibilityDC). Examples from the Easy Chirp website are given throughout the presentation. Here are the slides.
Category: javascript
Link Roundup – June 2010
- Simple Free Online Caption Creator for YouTube Videos
- Australian Government releases Web Accessibility National Transition Strategy
- Open Web Camp 2010 at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, July 17 (Free)
- Assistive Technology Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 29-30 (Free)
- Online version of book Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design
- 50+ Reasons to Use VoiceOver (from Apple)
- AJAX and the Problem of Web Accessibility by @JoeDolson
- HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives (W3C)
- How NOT to use the HTML title attribute by @ianpouncey (from January)
- Forthcoming Updates on Federal Section 508 Rules by @JoeDolson
- Chrome explains its partial screen reader support
- Princeton University and learning disabled student settle suit
- Blind students sue four California law schools over inaccessible online applications
- What AT devices announce when encountering ARIA roles
- AViewer beta – new accessibility checker tool from The Paciello Group
- Making JavaScript Accessible slides presented by @dennisl at Bayjax meetup
- How to get started on Twitter with JAWS – CNIB blog by @mcourcel
- Examples of Inaccessible Web Design
- Sign petition for Google to make Chrome screen reader accessible
- Features of a Cognitively Accessible Web Site
- How to Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript in an Accessible Manner
- Web Accessibility and WAI-ARIA Primer by @emilylewis
- Writing text alternatives for maps
- Future Web Accessibility: SVG from WebAIM
- List of Twitter clients for persons with disabilities
- U.S. Departments of Justice and Education tell college/university presidents that required electronic book readers must be accessible
Web Axe host Dennis Lembree presented “Making JavaScript Accessible” at the Bay Area Ajax and JavaScript Meetup (BayJax) June 15, 2010 at the Yahoo! campus in Sunnyvale, California.
- Making JavaScript Accessible slides on SlideShare
- Making JavaScript Accessible text version
- BayJax Flickr photo album
Dennis was honored to be invited as a replacement for Dirk Ginader, who sadly couldn’t make it due to a family emergency.
My Concerns on JS & Flash
Dennis and Ross provide nearly an hour of news, knowledge, and fun!
Download Web Axe Episode 73 (Bandwidth & Download Time)
Michigan and Web Dudes, Lab, and Accessible Twitter
- Dennis’ vacation including visit to Michigan
- Met creators of BongoTones
- Met creator of Twilk
- Visit to Yahoo! Accessibility Lab
- Accessible Twitter updates.
- Future of Skype
Web Accessibility News
- WebAIM – Colors and Links and WCAG 2.0
- ACCESS-IT 2009 Awards
- Nominations will be submitted online only.
- Submission deadline of nominations: 25th August 2009.
- CVS Accessible Web Site and Point of Sale (nice sub-heading).
- Misunderstanding Markup: XHTML 2/HTML 5 Comic Strip by Jeremy Keith @adactio.
- Accessible drag and drop using WAI-ARIA on Dev.Opera by Gez Lemon .
- Don’t Just Tick Boxes – Meeting the diverse needs of your site’s visitors is likely to mean a great deal more than ticking off individual accessibility checkpoints.
- AccessibilityWatch.com – fairly new accessibility blog (more than web).
Main Segment
The Issue & Statistics
- Web accessibility is about providing content for everyone; even if the user is unable to have access to a broadband internet connection.
- Economic issue; many people simply can’t afford broadband.
- Mobile–light and fast web sites can be more easily viewed on you phone!
- Average Web Page Size Triples Since 2003 (study from 2003-2008 data)
- In the U.S. in March 2008, users connecting at 56Kbps or less now make up 11.18% of active Internet users.
- CWA Communications reported that the “median real-time download speed in the U.S. is a mere 2.3 megabits per second (mbps). The best available estimates show average download speeds in Japan of 63 mbps, in South Korea of 49 mbps and in France of 17 mbps.

Chart shows that from January 1995 to January 2008, there was a tremendous growth of average page size and average number of objects. The average page file size went from 14.1k in 1995, to 93.7k in 2003, to over 312k in 2008. The average number of page objects went from 2.3k in 1995, to 25.7 in 2003, to nearly 50 in 2008.
Related WCAG Guidelines
Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.
WCAG 1.0 Intro states:
user may have a text-only screen, a small screen, or a slow Internet connection and users may have turned off support for images (e.g. due to a slow Internet connection)
Greatly outdated web portion of Section 508 doesn’t mention internet connection speed.
What You Can Do
- Use progressive enhancement.
- Optimize images; use sprites.
- Write clean code.
- Use external CSS and JavaScript files. For CSS, use not @import.
- Combine multiple CSS files into one. Same for JavaScript.
- Use media domains.
- Minify CSS and JS files.
- Setup your server to send pages and files compressed.
- Cache dynamic data and Ajax when appropriate.
More from the Big Boys
- More at Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site from Yahoo!
- And now, Let’s make the web faster from Google, with fun little videos.