socialmedia twitter

Suggestions for Accessible Social Media Apps

As far as some accessible social media, here are my suggestions:
Twitter – Of course, use
YouTube – OR
Facebook –
LinkedIn –
MySpace – Nothing

conference easi webaim

About the 2010 Accessing Higher Ground Conference

So I’m starting to regret not attending the AHG conference this year (Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference). I attended (and presented) at the previous two events. This year looks just as good, if not better.

AHG 2010 will be November 15-19 at the Westin Hotel in Westminster, Colorado, located about 13 miles from downtown Denver. It’s a really nice venue with nice restaurants nearby.

Westin Hotel in Westminster, Colorado

Over 60 presentations and hands-on sessions and 35 hours of hands-on workshops are scheduled. You can read the session descriptions here. Maybe you’ll see me on the list next year!

The fees are affordable, and an early registration discount is available until October 1. Groups of 5 who register together are eligible for a 10% discount. You may register for AHG here.

I think something new this year are special session tracks from which to choose. The tracks are:

drupal expert html5 podcast roundup RSS

Podcast #84: Web Axe 5-Year Anniversary

In celebration of its 5th anniversary, Dennis and Ross discuss the history of Web Axe and several memorable moments. Then, nine special guests provide excellent insight and information relating to web accessibility including Paul Boag and Bruce Lawson. It’s great stuff, don’t miss it!

Download Web Axe Episode 84 (Web Axe 5-Year Anniversary)

[Transcript of podcast 84]

Some History

Memorable Moments

Special Episode Podcast Contributors

Addendum: Podcast Corrections

  • Steve Grobschmidt’s last name was announced incorrectly (it’s not “Aquinas”, that’s part of his Twitter handle).
  • We state that there are 8 guest speakers; there’s actually 9!
  • We mentioned that Boagworld is no longer podcasting, but failed to mention that they plan on returning in January 2011. (Paul mentions this in his commentary.)
links roundup

Link Roundup – August 2010


Accessibility in .Net Mag Awards

Two nominations directly related to web accessibility appeared in the .net magazine’s 2010 Best of the Web awards. This site, Web Axe, was nominated for “Podcast of the Year” and Accessible Twitter was nominated for “Best API Use”. Please make your vote and support the importance of web accessibility and the efforts of these two services!

On October 20, nominations for each category will be reduced to three. A panel of over 100 judges will choose the final winners and will be announced on November 19.

logo for dot net magazine awards 2010