Check out the Web Accessibility Enthusiasts mapper on Frappr! Add yourself to the map and see where the accessibility gurus are located in the world. You can also add pictures, tags, etc.
Author: Dennis
Topics include proper use of HTML tags, such as headings, quotes, lists, and some lesser-known tags, such as and
- Accessible Fonts (WebAim)
- Text/Typographical Layout (WebAim)
- Font size and properties (W3C)
- Paragraphs, lines, and phrases (W3C)
My Web Page
My Web Page
I really like tacos.
I really like tacos.
As Harry S. Truman said, The buck stops here.
Unobtrusive Javacript (and the DOM)
Ah, Javascript. The wonderful scripting language that creates lots of cool stuff on your web page. But how do you make it Accessible?
- W3C Checkpoint 6.3
- Directly Accessible Scripts (W3C)
- DOM Overview (W3C)
- WaSP Javascript Manefesto
- Creating Accessible JavaScript
- (WebAim)
This is an example of a javascript “listener” which opens a link in a new window (using a function) if the rel
in the a
tag is “external”.
function setOnClick() {
if(!document.getElementsByTagName) {
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=anchors.length; i !=0; i--) {
var a=anchors[i-1];
if (a.rel.indexOf("external") != -1) {
a.onclick = function(){newWin(this.href,'popup1',700,400);
return false;}
Want to be on Web Axe?
Dennis is looking for an Accessibility guru who wants to be part of at least one podcast on Web Axe. If interested just send Dennis an email at web axe at gmail dot com. Topic ideas welcomed.
We all know that PDF files (Adobe Acrobat) are very common in the workplace and on the web. Learn how to make them Accessible in this tenth podcast of Web Axe.
- Adobe on PDF Accessibility
- WebAim’s PDF Techniques
- A List Apart on PDF Accessibility
- Make Accessible Plug-In for Acrobat 5
We know about PDF files. Our PDF converter allows you to convert PDF to Word as well as PDF to Excel so you can use and analyze without retyping.