screenreader survey webaim

WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey 10

Results of the 10th WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey are now published (Feb 22, 2024). Thank you WebAIM for continuing this valuable research and other research such as the WebAIM Million and the Survey of Web Accessibility Practitioners. Highlights As with previous surveys, WebAIM announced the results in a blog post containing notable items which […]

conference event

Upcoming Accessibility Events (2024)

Mark your calendar! Here are some terrific digital accessibility events coming up in 2024. Please add any good ones that I missed in the comments. Feb 20-22, axe-con by Deque Systems, online. April 6, Accessibility Camp Toronto, Toronto, Canada, #A11yTOCamp #a11yTO April 30-May 1, ACCESS by 3PlayMedia, online. March 7, Ability Summit by Microsoft, online. […]


Your MVP Must Be Accessible

Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Must Be Accessible. Full stop. Related: MVP and Accessibility by Nic Steenhout Accessibility ‘Gaps’ in MVPs by Adrian Roselli Accessibility and MVPs by David A. Kennedy How does accessibility fit into an MVP? by Obinna Ekwuno and Marcy Sutton.

reporting roundup

Resources for Procurement of Accessible Digital Products and VPAT

Do you need to provide or to purchase an accessible website or other digital product but don’t know how to go about it? You’ll likely need to create or analyze an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) which is created from a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). You can download the VPAT templates on the Information Technology […]

aria forms screenreader

Datalist over ARIA combobox

Summary: This article suggests that the custom select dropdown is overused. The ARIA combobox pattern to create one is very complex and has inconsistent support. Instead, the native HTML datalist element should be leveraged to create a similar UI control, and its support is pretty good. Code snippets, keyboard testing results, and basic screen reader […]